Sunday, April 13, 2014


Linda to Alison: I didn't see you in Joanie's class.
Alison: Where was I at? Oh, I was bicycling with Andrea on Grant's Trail.
Linda: Isn't that kind of flat and boring?
 Alison: It's just the kind of terrain that I like...
Right before savasana and about 45 minutes after Linda and Alison's exchange, Gloria asked us to pull our knees into our chests and to rock side to side So that you feel calm and soothed.

It has been a calm and soothing weekend and I've ticked just about everything off of my Weekend Bucket List.

Grant's Trail

Post-Yoga Herbivore Omelet with Sweet Potatoes, Not On The List

Pink and White Carpet
The 'Fugee and I watched August: Osage County. Didn't really know anything about the plot line. Knew that there had been nominations but didn't know that it was a dark comedy. While I watched, I thought What a meaty movie...It was a star-studded film but I was still taken with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts' performances. I had to hit the rewind button during the fish scene which was funny and devastating.

The song that's been rolling through my head? I Can See Clearly Now. Only, I didn't remember the name. I thought it was It's Going To Be A Bright...Sun-Shiny Day.

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