Friday, June 20, 2014

To Take On Swinging

One of my former climbing partners was a kettlebeller. I admired him for being willing to take on swinging all by his lonesome. Knew that I couldn't trust myself since, if there's a way to do something awkwardly, I'll find it but it's been six months since I stopped going to kettlebell class and the heavy orb stares at me.

I've been going to Zumba on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. so I have plenty of time to do strength training before class. Looked online for routines and liked this beginner one:

Warm Up -- 3 Minutes

(Did a hodgepodge of jumping jacks, speed skaters, trunk twists etc.)

Around The World, 20 Reps, Each Direction

Figure 8's, 14 Reps, Each Direction

Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing, 20 Reps

Cleans, 14 Reps, Each Side

Halos, 10 Each Direction

Straight Leg Dead Lifts, 20 Reps

Squat Curls, 14 Reps

Bent Over Rows, 14, Each Side

It was supposed to be a 30 minute workout but it took me about 17 minutes. I also added a few snatches and presses...

Zumba, on Thursday, is kind of a "bad" move (pun intended) because it does feel like a party that should mark the culmination of the work week.

Woke up hard this morning and could barely manage to stand. Had a dream that I was in a crowded store with someone else but couldn't identify the person. As we waited to jump into the flow of traffic, I noticed a miniature Buddha with a rather large head sitting on a shelf. I wanted to purchase the Buddha statue but couldn't for some reason...

There's a song from Zumba class that won't get out of my head. It's Pitbull's Alright.
It's alright, it's okay
We gon' party all night and drink all day...
The refrain that's most dominant -- It's alright, it's okay...Probably blocked out the drink all day because I am not a consumer of alcohol unless I, on occasion, cook with it.

From Dream Moods Dictionary:
To see Buddha in your dream symbolizes wisdom, insight, compassion, and inner spirituality. You need to find calmness and peace within your own Self.

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