Monday, July 2, 2018

Show Up

During one of last week's yoga classes, there were five of my yoga training classmates present. Four of us were practicing and two were observing. I was, energetically, bouncing in my seat because I wanted to grab my iPod to take a picture of the observers who looked very compelling to me.

They agreed that I could take their pictures and post it on social media which was very nice of them.

One of my classmates said that she missed us and, for emphasis, Seriously, I missed you all...

Had a packed Saturday and rewarded myself by going to the pool. Did a repeat of the pool on Sunday and only stayed for an hour then went to chitchat with the 'Fugee for a short period of time. The plan was to go to yoga but I think that the heat must have gotten the best of me because I felt so tired and ended up resting in bed instead of practicing yoga. I was headed to a restorative class so I ended up doing my restoring at home...

This morning I needed to talk with a contractor so I looked up the number and dialed and was dumbfounded when a woman answered the phone.  Still, I had the presence of my mind to say I was looking for Daniel; I must have the wrong number.

Hey, it's Daniela; it was another contractor who happens to be a yoga teacher. We exchanged greetings and she immediately asked me how my first weekend of training had gone and then she eloquently launched into this spiel telling me that I will really enjoy myself and not to stress out about the required reading -- that we'll discuss the texts in class. Pay attention to how you're feeling and journal. You won't fail -- as long as you show up.

Can't remember everything that she said but it was such a sweet conversation and just the best way to start the day.

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