I've been doing yoga almost daily and my body is still cranky, but I also haven't had bodywork since early in the year.
I intensely miss seeing people outside of my bubble so my body isn’t the only thing that’s cranky.
I'm on the mailing list of this restorative yoga teacher and she's offering a savasana the day before the election and she also mentioned that she's been practicing restorative a lot lately and it dawned on me that that's why I'm doing a lot of restorative yoga. Honestly, I think that I'd be totally dysfunctional without yoga right now. The stress is still there but it would be worse.
I was thinking about the toll that this current toxic stew has taken on people's health... I remember reading that more people have heart attacks on Monday. Can't even imagine what's going on now...
Went for a walk with my cousin yesterday and she talked about how she'd read how being outside makes you feel better and that she said that her mood really is elevated when she gets out.
Posted this "fall vibes" picture and a friend left a message saying that she had been in the park and when I talked to her, found out that she was in the park at the exact same time -- wish that I had known...
Knew that Barrett was going to be confirmed but it didn't make it any less upsetting -- especially when I saw this nonsense.
Got off Twitter and went to do another round of restorative yoga.