On August 7th, a scheduled service date, it rained and the guy didn't come and he didn't come and he didn't come. Finally, I texted him to say that it was okay if he didn't want to mow the lawn anymore but to let me know. He assured me that he was interested, looked forward to my business...then nothing.
In the meantime, the grass continued to grow. I texted my brother who recommended a couple of things, including looking for troubleshooting tips for the brand that I have. It kept turning over but wouldn't stay on and I was so frustrated that I started crying.
At some point, my neighbor heard me trying to start the mower. This neighbor is good at fixing and building but I hadn't wanted to bother him because he had a health scare recently. Still, he told me that he'd check out the mower and that I could also borrow his.
Had today off so I called him at a respectable time. He put his foot on top of the lawnmower and it started immediately. I was gobsmacked. He said that, from listening, he didn't think much was wrong and he was also surprised by how long the cord is. He advised me to wait because the lawn was wet from yesterday's rain but I couldn't take the untidiness any longer. I tried to hack some of it down but where it was biggest, I just inched along. It took me a little over two hours because, of course, the mower stalled out because of the wet grass. I was so relieved, though, because I was on the verge of loading the mower in my car and taking it to a shop.
My yard, especially the back, was a proper jungle and, yet, I still didn't mention monkeys...
No one really uses the expression “monkey this up,” even when they’re not running against a black man for governor It isn’t whether he intended that to be racist. It was racist. No walkback changes that. Nothing to add. https://t.co/Tr0GsJXUOx— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) August 29, 2018