Sunday, November 17, 2019


Went to Zumba on Saturday and that was quickly followed by leaf-raking.

During the really windy, snowy day - right after the 70 degree day, many leaves fell down. After I finished with leaves, chilled out until it was time to go to  a gathering with yoga classmates. Stayed longer than I intended but we were having a relaxing evening and catching up but goodbye Saturday...

Had not planned to but I just finished reading three books, back-to-back, about refugees, including one the 'Fugee gave me about a decade ago, After the Fall: Srebrenica Survivors in St. Louis. The one memory that pops into my mind is of people (seen via the news) trying to get water on Sniper Alley. Little did I know that many Bosnians would end up in St. Louis...

I'm taking a break from refugee stories to read yet another non-fiction book, An Embarrassment of Mangoes...

As I was heading home last night, I finished listening to the Scott episode of the Heavyweight podcast. I have liked most episodes but this one is definitely one of my favorites as it had an unexpected and soft ending.

Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of my sound therapy course. To celebrate, I plan to buy myself a small gong on Black Friday or Cyber Monday

Three years ago, I was in Negril on a yoga retreat; darn those social media reminders.

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