Thursday, December 22, 2016


Realized that part of me had been balled up since Nov. 7th when I caught myself singing in the shower after swimming.

Also, I have been trying to figure out what lesson I'm supposed to learn from this toxic person that I have to be around and the easiest takeaway is to not be like that person but the deeper takeaway is that I can still have peace "that surpasses understanding" while I'm around this person even though many parts of this person is constantly rampaging....

Went to Zumba tonight and it was a super fun class even though there were only five of us there, including the instructor.

Said instructor, Candice, announced that she had reached 12,000 steps midway through class.  When I shrieked What?!, she said that it was her second class of the day.

After class her friend, Martha, said that she had 16,000 + steps but then she said that Alex was kicking their butts. What?!

I asked Martha how she got in 16,000 steps and she said that she takes the long way to the bathroom at work and climbs the stairs instead of taking the elevator. She also parks at the back of parking lots like Gingerzingi.

I do all of these things but, apparently, not enough. Seeing that 16,000 number on Martha's Fitbit was very inspiring. I'm totally upping my game.

One of Candice's favorite cool down songs is Justin Bieber's What Do You Mean? When I found out that it was Bieber's song, I cringed but then it reminded me of something that the 'Fugee said a while back -- You can still love your friends without them being perfect.

In my defense, I think it's the clock sound that draws me to the Bieber song.


  1. We are all going to learn to be philosophers. I've never in my life had something so difficult to wrap my head around. Nothing that lasted this long anyway. It's always difficult to comprehend a death, but at least it's *normal*. Other than that, this is unparalleled in my life.

    LOL Justin Bieber. I'm always conflicted when I love the art but not the artist. The way I rationalize it is to think that even a terrible person has the capacity to do good. That should be hopeful.

  2. So true about terrible people.

    I remember when Alice Walker got eviscerated over The Color Purple and she talked about how most people have one redeeming quality, including Mr. from that book.

    I kind of forgot about Walker's theory but I also think her statement has manifested in a different form for me. Thanks for the reminder...

    And, yes, I am still in the club of trying to wrap my head around this current political situation.
