Sunday, August 4, 2019

So So Much

Was deeply ensconced in this training called Yoga As A Peace Practice this weekend. It's a training offered by the Black Yoga Teachers Association with the following goals: facilitate, create and introduce contemplative practices, rooted in the philosophical tenets of the niyamas, restorative and kriya yoga and culturally relevant themes, and to offer them in ways that are accessible to individuals and communities where trauma from violence exists.
I always feel guilty about saucha, one of the niyamas. My environment is really cluttered but,  somehow, I have to move beyond feeling paralyzed about it and get myself out of this situation.

At any rate, it was an intense but inspiring weekend. I've felt like gentle and restorative yoga is my thing and I feel an even greater commitment to it now. I also went to a birthday party on Saturday. I had RSVP'd before the yoga workshop got on my radar. 

The person sitting next to me at the party said that she's not flexible and that's hard for me to hear but I try to take time to explain that, really, flexibility is not required...

Because I was at the workshop, I heard the news about the mass shooting late. It was a punch to the gut on so many levels and when I heard about the second one, wow. I feel like Pandora’s box has been opened. 

So so much has been going on. 

About how I'm feeling right now:

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