Monday, February 11, 2019


Running on fumes...

Yoga teacher training was this past weekend and the weather intervened again. We had a delayed start on Sunday because of icy roads...

My hair is overdue to be washed. The fish tank is overdue a cleaning. The Subaru peeps have called to say that my car service is overdue. One of my fellow trainees scoffed when I mentioned going to the store after YTT. Apparently, she uses InstaCart. Never heard of it although I'm aware of such services.

Actually cooked after work -- something that I haven't done in years. Kept wondering why I was tired and sore then I remembered that we practiced yoga for, at least, five hours over the weekend. Plus, there was the anticipation of having to teach again.

Debated about going to Zumba tonight but I needed the release...

For my teaching session, my name ended up being picked last -- which was a blessing and a curse. For our January training, Stacy actually told us to come prepared to teach for 30 minutes so I had a sequence prepared but, as I waited for my turn, it seemed like my sequence was crap and I had doubts about whether it was balanced but it turned out well. One of my classmates called my style of class fusion because I mixed gentle with restorative. I also did a little "Dharma Talk" at the beginning, which people seemed to like.

Tried to connect topics. Talked about it being winter and how people have the natural inclination to hibernate because our bodies are evolutionary old. I referenced the phenomena of lotska where Russian peasants exhibited a form of human hibernation.

Did some things wrong but, mostly, I used strategies that we learned in training. Stacy gives good feedback and likes to say I'm just picking nits at this point.

Wish that I were a person who could do things on the fly. I did adjust my lesson plan but really wanted to shift directions from what I had planned because I could see how tired everyone was and I didn't want to take them through any challenging poses. At times, felt like I was all over the place and that my teaching lacked cohesiveness but that wasn't the way it was perceived.

At any rate, I have to move on because I'm teaching again on Wednesday.

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