Monday, December 23, 2019


Had a vivid, short dream that I received a holiday card from one of my college friends with all kinds of details and pictures so I sent her a card along with a few others; I'm not really the holiday card sending type.

After our unexpected day off due to inclement weather, an AmeriCorps came to my office and we exchanged pleasantries. She asked me about the off day and I told  her it was nice to not have to go anywhere plus to check a few tasks of the list like cleaning the fish tank, an overdue task.

She said similar things about how she'd had apples in the refrigerator for so long that she didn't want to touch them but, go figure, they made great applesauce. She also said that she'd cleaned her cat's litter box which was also overdue.

We are not alone in struggling to keep up...

Provided sound for a restorative class last Wednesday.

I also went to a sound event with singing bowls and harp on the Winter Solstice. Spotted at least six yoga teachers, including myself, which made me think of something Dianne Bondy said when she was here: I don't know about where you come from but where I live, you can throw a quarter in Whole Foods and hit 15 yoga teachers... 

One of the yoga teachers at the Winter Solstice event.
Got to work today and there was an email about a colleague whose wife had died "after a long battle with cancer" the day of our holiday party and I kept thinking how could the battle be long because my colleague looks like he's 28-years-old... :(

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