Thursday, February 8, 2018


The Zumba instructor for my Saturday class has an eclectic playlist and a couple of the songs are in French. It dawned on me that while I failed to seriously pursue Spanish while in high school, it doesn't mean that I can't try to pick it up again, duh...

I have been in such a mood.

Did restorative yoga at work yesterday and we did the Breath of Joy. Not a lot of teachers do this particular exercise. I enjoy it every time so I need to put this in my bag of tricks.

Went to yoga after work and Stacy talked about Santosha (contentment). It was definitely a topic that was important for me to hear today.


  1. I found this Spanish series on and really enjoyed it. I know watching isn't the best way to learn, compared to speaking with real people, but it was pretty cool. It's European Spanish, though, not American Spanish.

  2. Thanks for information. I will definitely check it out.
