Tuesday, February 13, 2018


I've been tense lately. Maybe committing to practicing meditation in the earlier part of the day might help. I've been waiting until 10 p.m. and that's not working.

Missed Zumba yesterday so I went today and will try to get in a swimming session later in the week. I was reminded of why I usually don't go to Zumba at that 5:30 p.m. slot because the traffic is horrible and I had to keep telling myself that I wouldn't make it on time and it was okay. I didn't need to do the entire 60 minutes to get a proper workout.

The good thing about going to a 5:30 class is that I had time to run errands. I dipped into the mall and entered through one of the anchor stores. Excuse me ma'am...How do I get into the mall? I've been trying to find my way for 20 minutes. 

It was such a sweet encounter and it made me smile and relax. The person who got my attention was an African immigrant or refugee. LOL, those store layouts are confusing -- by design I'm sure. IKEA anyone?

I told the lost one that I was headed in the direction of the open mall area and he followed me...

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