Thought going to meditation would also help with my nerves as I had my one-on-one with my yoga trainer, Stacy, on Monday night and the meditation did help. After the first guided meditation, we ventured into a full body tapping session...
One of my classmates messaged me hours before my one-on-one to encourage me which I thought was super sweet. She also told me that the one-on-one would be unlike the sessions during training when we got feedback; it would be more chill.
Had scheduled my one-on-one about a month ago and it's amazing how fast the time went by. I had done research, wrote my sequence and tested out poses but when it's go time, the sequence that you have in front of you feels so lackluster.
And, again, I think a huge key is to remember to allow people time to unwind and release without trying to rush... I did a restorative sequence with Stacy and it went well. I get a kick out of finding postures that are not often used in class and introducing them which I did during her session.
It was a relief to have the one-on-one in the books. I took a short breather and started thinking about my next sequence for my Wednesday Seva class...
For some reason, though, I was angry yesterday which was weird because I should have felt a longer sense of relief... Took an hour-long bath, read and slept solidly and my mood was better this morning.
Listened to Lesson 27 of Sharon Salzberg's Meditation Challenge twice since it discussed anger among other topics.
The Seva class went reasonably well today -- even though I still get nervous beforehand. Went to Zumba tonight and the teacher forgot parts of her routine and she joked "Don't pay attention to me; I'm just the instructor" -- which was my signal that everyone stutters.