Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reality Testing

The climbing crew is all over the place. Patti is dealing with some wall situation. It's Chris' son's birthday. Joe climbs as his schedule allows and Becky -- not sure what she's doing. All that to say, climbing will take place tomorrow; I shifted gears, called Anita who swims with me and doesn't mind going on Saturday or Sunday.

I took my bike along too because today was gorgeous and I couldn't resist hitting Grant's Trail after swimming.

I often feel like I need to say something like namaste before I get in the pool. Despite my struggle with front crawl breathing et al., the pool provides untold peace. In addition to working on front crawl breathing, I also worked on doing the sidestroke on my left side.

By the way, I so want this Halloween-inspired swimming suit available at Swim Outlet. Then, I could really assume my identity as Super 'Drea. ☺ After all, I do change (quickly) into a lot of costumes. Really, you should see how fast I get from work to Kate's class and how I change clothes somewhere in between.

And guess what? I just happened to win a $100 gift certificate from Swim O.

Congratulations! has sent you a $100.00 gift certificate!


Congratulations Andrea! You have won a $100 gift card in honor of our Twitter launch. Thank you for being a valued SwimOutlet customer!
My shoulder feels great. I lifted my bicycle out of the basement and onto the bicycle rack with no problem and I also encountered no nasty tugs when I did the sidestroke. I wanna thank the academy my massage therapist who has been significant regarding my shoulder success.

In other news, I felt that reality testing was in order.

I have been quietly freaking out about the number on the scale rising. Ironically, my friend was uncluttering and came across some pictures of when I was really living large...

I took a few pictures which set my mind at ease to a certain degree...

If you exercise with others, does the scheduling ever get complicated?

Hope you're having equally stunning weather in your town and that you were able to exercise outside.

You are exercising, aren't you???


  1. Yes, I'm exercising! I used to walk with a friend before we moved here. We walked at 6 am, so unless one of us overslept we were golden! Don't fret about the scale - you are so active and so on top of your diet.

  2. Diane,

    Glad that you're on top of the exercise situation and thanks for reminding me not to fret. ;)
