Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Like A House That Collapses

In my mind, I’m begging for Marisa not to call out anymore warm-up exercises because I’m sufficiently warmed up and out of breath but I’m not totally sure why I want the warm-up to stop because the more intense portion of the program begins after that. Fifty minutes of swinging, planking, push-upping etc. leaves me clock-watching – big time. I can never figure out why time stands still in some circumstances.

I did the clean while Andrew did the snatch which he executed beautifully. Still, Marisa coached him to a more beautiful snatch. It’s like a house that collapses, she tells him – just let it go.

By the end of class, Andrew’s snatch was not the only thing collapsing. I lay out on the floor then pulled myself together and headed straight for the store.

The Cupboard Was Bare


  1. Thanks... Now I have extra inspiration for going at in class. :)
