Thursday, June 23, 2016

I've Got The Look

Yesterday I had outdoor swimming and outdoor yoga on the table but I felt knackered after work and knew that I wouldn't enjoy the hot yoga. I also took outdoor swimming off the table as I did not feel like rushing to the pool after work so I regrouped and went to the indoor pool for open swim at 7:00 p.m.

Today, outdoor swimming was back on the table. As I hit the pool area, this woman looked at me as if I had the answer to her prayers. You have rubber bands, she said. I did not. I have these situations and I learned about them the hard way. See, I cannot be bothered to put my hair in braids right now. The quickest thing to do is to section my hair and to band those sections. It's my new swimming hairstyle which Alison thinks should also be my Zumba hairstyle, not.

At any rate, I took one of my hair bands off and gave it to the woman. I never feel like I look approachable but apparently I do look approachable.

Pool 'do
Thoroughly enjoyed my 30 minutes in the pool or, as I like to call it, post-work Rx. Went to Zumba at 7:30 -- trying to fit in all the exercise that I can right now...

The Pool


  1. I didn't know those situations were a thing. When I bought yoga pants there was one attached. I wasn't sure what it was for.

    Now I know.

    The pool looks gorgeous.

  2. The pool is calling my name on an almost daily basis. I love swimming outdoors.
