Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fear in the Body

Went to Pure Yoga's  class yesterday and it was packed. When I quipped about personal space later on, Cindy reminded me that yoga is the art of ignoring; she expanded on the idea by encouraging me to make personal space in my mind, a concept I totally dig...

Gloria (a.k.a. Pure Yoga) usually conducts a mixed-level class so she threw in elephant's trunk and crane poses. I have the whole squatting part of crane down but elevating? And we won't even discuss elephant's trunk.

Gloria said it best: Sometimes there's fear in the body when we turn upside down. I immediately recognized the feeling as I attempted crane. Of course, that tiny moment of fear was mixed in with so many other good feelings... Gloria also told us about a yin yoga class that she teaches at 6 a.m. and I chuckled softly because I don't do anything at 6 a.m. but adjust my pillow...

Saw this video about recycling on The Today Show. Check out what you can do with your yoga mat when it's time for a new one.


  1. I love all the insights about yourself you get when you do yoga.

  2. Gingerzingi! Hey woman...

    Consistently practicing yoga has been quite the adventure. :)
