Saturday, December 12, 2015


Decided to take advantage of the weather and hit the riverfront trail. Don't think that I've ever bicycled in December and don't think that I've ever encountered so many trains while trying to access the road to the trail. Ended up hopping on the highway and going to where we usually end our ride and it made me have a whole new appreciation for the mileage that Alison, Connie and I have put in.

We all have fitness goals that we haven't hit but I'm proud of us for the times that we've bicycled on that trail -- 16 miles at a time or more.

Having to take another route was also a lesson in going with the flow and/or trying something new and not giving up because of an obstacle.

I got in nine miles and the ankle faired well except for the few times that I had to go over railroad tracks.

A brief digression... See the whole in my shoe? My Nikes are about a year old. They don't make them like they used to...

I'm about half way through Shonda Rhimes' Year of Yes.

Interesting that I arrived at this section today:

Losing yourself happens one no at a time. No to going out tonight...No to making a new friend. Losing yourself happens one pound at a time. 
The part that had me cracking up a page later is when Rhimes reveals that she parted from a personal trainer because he said "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!"

Who says that to a fat woman?


  1. LOL "Who says that to a fat woman"

    I've gotten to the point where I don't listen to what men say about weight loss, and only listen to a few men regarding fitness. Who cares what a 28 yo male athlete says about a 54 yo fat woman? Not me.

    Maybe you can loan me the book when you're done. I say NO all the time. NO. No no no no no no no no no.

  2. Seriously! Who says that at all?? I would have broken up with that trainer too!

  3. @Gingerzingi, LOL about no. I will let you know when I finish so that you can read it.

    @Cindy, yeah, not sure where he got that silly line from.
