Monday, August 22, 2016


I've been dreaming a lot.

In the fourth dream, I am trying to make it home but I'm in a car that ends up on top of a building. Somehow the car evaporates and I am left to swing from a ring down to a lower ring/building.

As I'm telling this story to Alison before yoga practice on Sunday, Joy overhears and says that's a total City Museum aftermath. Makes sense.

Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
Last night the dream (fifth consecutive) involves standing in front of a buffet of desserts and I'm having a hard time deciding which dessert or desserts I'll eat. Even though there's chocolate in the dessert case, the homemade Twinkie is calling my name. Seriously, I had a dream about a buffet of sweets.

Went to yoga tonight. I have tweaked something in my abdomen. The thing about tweaks and yoga is that it definitely makes your a more mindful practitioner and the thing about yoga on Monday night is that it's a good night to hit the reset button.

*Appendicitis is usually pain in the belly button area and that makes me feel relieved...

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