Wednesday, December 28, 2011

They Call This The Drishti

Walked into the locker room and saw this totally sweaty, red-faced and spent woman.

Me: Recuperating.

Her: Jeremy.
My immediate reaction was happiness because if Jeremy taught the previous class, he would not be the teacher for the 7:00p.m. class. But what if he taught back-to-back classes? Damn.

This newbie was chatting up the woman at the desk.

Cindy: I'll be teaching the 7 o'clock class.

Me (silently): Yes!
Cindy had her hair back so I hadn't recognized her.

I like Cindy's style. She's firm but not a commando. When she entered the room, she set down the rules.

Rule number one: No leaving the room or else I'll tackle you she said followed by light laughter. She went on to demonstrate the resting poses etc. etc. then we got down to business.

Cindy also explained the importance of gazing at your forehead in the mirror. They call this the drishti, she said.

At several points, we stopped to get reacquainted with our breath and Cindy told us that we could tap into the power of our breathing at any point during our day. A bit later, she told us to not let our mind write stories; in essence, we were to concentrate on our practice and release tension.

I now see the point of gazing at your forehead in the mirror. It was totally helpful during camel pose as I was quite loopy and it settled me down and it was also centering when I had my peace fingers wrapped around my big toes.

When I was at the store, I couldn't resist picking up coconut water for Crystal and Patti. I gave it to them after class. They were tickled not unlike I was tickled at the beginning of class when I placed my mat near Patti's.

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