Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Made for Yoga

Thought about the state of my TYR suit the last time I went swimming. I've been holding it together with a shoe string but now the top part has become loosey goosey. Tried to remember when I purchased it but didn't have to wonder for long because I got an email from Swim Outlet today with the subject one year follow-up.
We wanted to let you know that your size is available for repurchase at Click the link above to order the same product again. 
Even though I've lost a few pounds, pretty sure that I still wear the same size which is good and not so good but whatever...

Random fact: Ashley, the aspiring comedienne and receptionist at Shortywood on Pit Boss took swimming lessons, at her mother's insistence, for nine years but never learned how to swim...

As I made a palm pillow in Gloria's class tonight, I thought about how I'm a person attracted to quietness. I was made for yoga crossed my mind quickly followed by a few lines of Stevie Wonder's I Was Made to Love Her.

Honestly, though, I was not thinking that I was made for yoga on Monday night. I thought that I might benefit from reflective tape as I sat in the corner of a crowded room in my black pants and black top. I also thought about Sharon Olds' poem My Father Snoring:

...He lay like a felled 
beast all night and sounded his thick
buried stoppered call, like a cry for
help. And no one ever came:
there were none of his kind around there anywhere.

Emailed Alison last night to see if she was still up and aware that there was a special edition, Yoga Guru Under Fire, on Nightline.

Was it good? she wanted to know. I had to laugh since I saw, maybe, five minutes of Yoga Guru before falling asleep... It's been a long couple of weeks.

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