Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Purple Macaroon

The last time that I went to see my massage therapist, she noticed a change in my muscles. Said they had more fluidity/movement and wanted to know if I was doing anything different.

Not taking kettlebell class is the only difference I could think of.

My muscles have always been dense, the MT tells me, but there had been an extra element of rigidity.

Lest you think that's the only thing that my MT told me, she also notices that there's usually resistance in my right arm when she goes to pull it back but that's normal since the heart chakra is there; it's a position of vulnerability and people are prone to protect their hearts.

Another change has been weight loss. I thought that kettlebell class would help me lose weight but weight didn't come off until post-kb. Maybe my body was totally stressed out by the class which was high intensity a lot of the time and my body did feel all scrunched up the day after.

I'm sure some of the weight loss can be attributed to kicking a Werthers habit that started when I wanted something to entertain my mouth while at a Cirque du Soleil show in the beginning of 2013.

I also got very hooked on Rudi's organic bread but went back to buying sandwich thins.

Overall, I'm trying to be less rigid with exercise and food to a certain extent. One of my friends at work offered me a macaroon. I usually don't just eat food that people hand me but I'd participated in her macaroon birthday gift and I'd never had one so I chose the crown chakra-colored one and ate it. Figured it would be no worse than the Kashi bars that I like to eat. Thank goodness the French bakery is not in my neck of the woods. Enjoyed the jam et al...

I was torn between climbing and swimming up until the last minute. When I voiced my dilemma, the intern in my office said that she always finds swimming more relaxing.

I went swimming.

Just as I was about to switch to the backstroke, this man asked if he could share my lane. I switched back to the front crawl because I didn't want to accidentally hit him. My body feels more open and prone to wildness during the backstroke.

My lane mate told me that the water might kill him. I was incredulous when he told me that it was too warm. While it wasn't arctic, it was still chilly.

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