Saturday, August 29, 2015

Peace And...

Made my way, serpentine-like, to the Riverfront Trail thanks to the Arch project. As I went down a little hill, saw a group of people on one end of the parking lot and Alison on the other.

My Spidey-sense started tingling. It's unusual to see non-bicyclists on this parking lot unless the Rams are playing.

Greeted Alison and did a mental checklist of the things in my car. I could replace everything but wasn't keen to return to broken windows. I expressed concern to Alison and she felt similarly but we rode on. I also took into a account that bicyclists hop on and off the trail at different times during the day. Still was happy to see a police officer around mile three and, later on, a bicycle officer near mile five...

There's something so peaceful about being on the trail looking at the green grass, blue sky, muddy water and the family of turkeys. Not so peaceful were all of the little squished frogs along the path. Not sure what happened there.


  1. I read that as "serpentlike" and thought "what an odd way to travel."

    Glad your care wasn't broken into.

    My brother and sister-in-law are planning to visit the arch over Labor Day. She's been researching her family and it turns out her father worked on it.

  2. Re: your S-I-L, that's pretty cool.

    Wish that you were visiting this weekend.
