Thursday, April 30, 2015

So Cool Down or Month-End Review, April

Feel like I'm not pushing myself hard enough and didn't really feel like doing a month-end review but felt that it was important to document my efforts so that I could see that I have been consistently active despite the story that my mind is trying to tell me.

Went to Zumba tonight and Shawny made me laugh when she said It's the cooldown so cool down. Shawny gave us that caveat because the cooldown song was rather catchy...

10 Minute Solution: Fitness Ball Workouts
*Upper Body, 1 x

10 Minute Solution: KnockOut Body!
*Kickbox Cross Train, 2 x's
*Knockout Body Blast, 2 x's

Bicycling, 3 x's

Climbing, 3 x's

Dance It Off & firm up!
*Rock It!, 5 x's

Just Walk: Mix + Match Walk Blasters
*Short + Sweaty, 2 x's
*Steady and Brisk, 2 x's

Just Walk: Walk To The Hits, Party Songs
*Mile 1, 1 x
*Mile 2, 1 x
*Mile 3, 1 x

Personal Training With Jackie: Power Circuit Training
*Upper Body Workout, 1 x

Stretch Max
*Stability Ball, 2 x's

Swimming, 4 x's

Walking, 20 x's

Weight Watchers Tone & Burn
*Tone, 1 x

Yard Work (a.k.a mowing the lawn + picking up sticks), 1 x

Yoga, 10 x's

Zumba, 4 x's

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Imagining A Fountain

Told my aunt Girt the price, $15, of a replacement case for the Fitbit and the price of the device and she was shocked by the $99 dollar price tag.

Well, not only is my Fitbit case in tatters but my Fitbit is not doing well. I've been troubleshooting with the Fitbit team but no luck so far. I'm considering a Garmin Vivofit as a replacement. I miss tracking my steps. I'm intrigued by the waterproof spec on the Vivofit.

This is day three of a staycation. I was butting up against too much vacation time again. St. Louis was making me feel claustrophobic and I wanted to get out of town but it wasn't in the cards...

Went to Rebecca's yoga class. You know what they say: be careful what you ask for.

Rebecca had us start out with our legs crossed. She then asked us to connect our index fingers with thumbs while placing our palms upright on our knees.
Imagine you're a fountain, she said. The breath moves from the tailbone, up the back and out the head -- overflowing. 
Imagining a fountain was a very gentle and relaxing way to begin class but that's were the gentleness stopped.

Survived Rebecca's class then headed to Alison's for crepes. Post-crepes, sat on the porch and finished reading Open Your Heart while Alison put more plants in the ground and watered others...

Crepe One

Crepe Three

The Water

Found this article about New Yorkers and walking interesting.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Boss Me About

It's my third straight day of yoga and I can't help but think of Gingerzingi and her recent stare down with it.

Went to the Earth Day Festival yesterday and it was like a yogi's paradise with classes starting at 11 until 5. The space, close to the Muny's main stage, was beautiful and aptly named the Yoga Buzz Zen Den. The weather was perfect.

The Zen Den

Earth Day Weather

I had planned to attend two classes with Alison and asked her which combination of classed looked good to her. Just boss me about Alison finally wrote so I made the call only to miss the first class because I underestimated how may people would be at the festival and had a 20 minute walk to get to the Zen Den.

I arrived about five minutes after class started and debated about whether or not to go in. It wasn't a studio but still. Hit the Kindle ap on my iPod and picked back up on Open Your Heart. So I read about yoga while I waited for yoga.

What I Was Not Doing, Acro Yoga, While I Waited
Cursed many times during practice tonight. Did strength training days ago and my armpits are still tender. Chatu who? I struggled and felt a tinge of regret for not staying at home.

After savasana Joy started talking the talk. You are you. You are uniquely you. You matter... And about yoga: Head stand is not the goal. Serenity is the goal. Balance is the goal. It was exactly what I needed to hear.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Other Clovers

Yesterday was my 15th anniversary at work. Of course, I didn't spend all 5,475 days behind my desk since I only worked the occasional Saturday. Plus, I got days off for good behavior.

The 'Fugee got me a bouquet as did the Spanish-speaking cleaner. I also got a gift  bag with Chobani, a mango and blueberries.

It's been even busier at work than it usually is but I often joke that I have a 12th man so even when it's supremely hectic, I feel like I have key people on my side. Still, my soul looks back in wonder. I remember a note that a former colleague wrote -- What some people do and still stay sane...

My 15th anniversary didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked for it to have gone. It was as if it was someone's mission to sabotage the occasion but as someone told me on Friday: This too shall pass.

Got up this morning and went to a health festival. Hit the 10:00 a.m. yoga class led by Yoga BuzzYB a.k.a. Elle does a lot of events at breweries. She's reaching out to people who might not come to a traditional yoga class and she often mentions accessibility and there's nothing more that I love than accessible yoga.

We practiced with Motown in the background and I found a four-leaf clover right in front of my mat. I even pushed aside other clovers just to make sure that I wasn't seeing what I wanted to see.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Yoga Is Good

Eye Candy, 4/21
Went to yoga class last night and Joy asked if we wanted to work on anything.

Losing forty pounds this woman said. Joy measured her response and said that Yoga is good but...

The forty pound comment was a bit awkward. I remember reading an article about yoga etiquette and the person said to put your cell phone away even if it's off because you don't need the visual reminder of hectic things.

So much about yoga is appreciating where you're at and the health that allows you to practice. If nothing else, it's a leave your worries at the doorstep space and it was almost as if she invited the hectic thing into the room...

Drove to work but left my car when I went home for lunch. Continued listening to Ski, Poe, Spa and Towers as I walked.

In the ...Spa portion of that Moth podcast, the storyteller talks about going to a clothing-optional spa as an overweight person and how this lithe woman looked at her and she could tell that there was something that the lithe one hated about herself and she thought about all the time that she'd spent disliking her body but she ended up thinking about and being grateful for all of the things that her body had done.

Listening to that episode, which I really like, made me think about my favorite Moth episodes.

1). Korea, Colons, Pickups and Pranks

2). Gaggy's Blessing (with Krista Tippett)

3). Unidentified podcast about an older woman having a child that most people told her she should not have...*

Told Alison how I could listen to the ...Colons section over and over again but Alison was pretty suspicious about a colon story being poignant and funny.

*Before Fergus...Lynn Ferguson

Monday, April 20, 2015

What You're Not Supposed To Do

Walk Eye Candy
Was on Twitter at 11:30-ish p.m. -- exactly what you're not supposed to be doing at that time.

Anyway, saw It's A Downward Dog Eat Downward World. Kind of funny. Kind of not. There are small incidences in my area and I know it wouldn't be funny if I had to deal with this kind of situation on a regular basis. Glad that I don't have to resort to "desperate pre-class moves." Although, the double workouts might not be such a bad thing...

As I walked home from work, listened to Ski, Poe, Spa and Towers. Didn't finish it but when the storyteller in "...Poe" talks about being recruited for caretaker and docent for The Edgar Allan Poe Cottage, it reminded me of my father who didn't really know what to think of poetry but loved to recite Annabel Lee. It also reminded me how my father liked Danny Boy. Funny what triggers memories...

I'm still tripping off of a CBS Sunday Morning segment about Kate Mulgrew. When I watched season one of Orange Is The New Black, her face had a certain familiarity but I had no idea that she was the Star Trek woman or that she's been acting for 40 years! Guess it was easy to get past my radar since I haven't watched much Star Trek. It was intense listening to Mulgrew talk about how she was urged to give up her baby for adoption then regretted the decision just days later.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

...Have To Look At You

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood and I bicycled the one less traveled. A little
Saturday (kind of) humor. Actually, I was quite taken with the dandelions and their yellow show.

Stumbled across The Moral Bucket List, an article that I found poetic...

On Friday wore my white\peach pants and a few people were surprised by my Wear More Color campaign. Also wore my white/blue tie-dye-ish shirt that I got from Marshalls for $10 bucks.

Got this other shirt from TJ Maxx and the 'Fugee said if she could dress me, this would be the type of blouse she'd always put me in.

The 'Fugee and I watched a kind of weird but definitely intense movie, Force Majeure, last night -- a bit too intense for a Friday.

Lately I've been watching a bit of Travel Bug on Netflix and also Layover, another Anthony Bourdain show. Someone on the Singapore section said that you should reserve one visit just to experience the cuisine.

New Yorkers gave tips to tourists on another segment and one woman had me cracking up. She advised people to dress up -- You might not care how you look but we have to look at you.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Never Too Much

Spent most of yesterday trying to work a wicked tweak out of my shoulder. Felt like a tight fist was lodged underneath my scapula. Kept thinking that I would pay someone to resolve the tightness in my shoulder but since there's no massage therapist hotline, I did arm circles, downward facing dog etc. Later on in the day, popped Cathe's Stretch Max into the DVD and that helped a lot.

Not sure if it was the stretching at the end of the day or the relatively quiet evening spent reading Everything I Never Told You and drinking green tea or a combination of both but I slept well and felt really rested this morning.

The pack rat a.k.a. me went through my iPod pictures because I remember snapping a photo of this little piece about downward facing dog and the amygdala. I have no clue where this article was published and can't find it via Google. I would love to read the whole thing in its entirety even though I don't need to but that's me. I should have been a researcher of something since I like to look up stuff and one reference is never enough for me...

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Humor Me

Walked into the locker room and the grandmother of the child who takes swimming lessons asked him, after he emerged from the bathroom, if he wanted to use soap then congratulated him on being a big boy after he rinsed his hands off with water...

When I walked over to lane one, one of the youth swim coaches said Give me 50 and when you're done, you'll be mad at me but I'll be gone. Swimming humor?

Wish that I could do 50 laps in one hour.

My mind was quite chatty tonight. Took 18 laps for things to quiet down which was funny because I'd read Spring Cleaning Your Life as I leaned on the bed after work.

3. Let go of your stories. If you need to get something off your chest, choose one person with whom to share your complaint or fear. Then, let it go. Don't continue to tell the negative stories over and over.
Speaking of stories, did anyone else get teary-eyed about this CEO's decision?

Sunday, April 12, 2015

That Feeling...

Was catching up with a former coworker when she said When I was hit by a bus...I stopped her and asked for clarification.

She told me that her accident made the news because she was hit and walked away but she also talked about how people made snide comments online about her having bumpers etc.

She also told me how she'd gained 40 pounds and I immediately thought that if you are hit by a bus, you can gain as much weight as you want but I could tell it was bothering her and I acknowledged her story about the pounds -- the weight loss dance, the lack of confidence, the feeling of dowdiness and the unintentional downsizing of one's wardrobe.

In addition to PT, my former coworker is also doing yoga but she's having a hard time getting into it and understanding verbiage like pulling in your lower ribs...

Saturday was sweet. Took my time getting up, cooked pancakes then headed to Zumba at 10:40-ish. We had a sub -- a newbie who was reserved in such a cute way. I understood half of what she said but her routines were good and I loved it when she wanted us to join in with some refrain and said Come on, help me out.

After class I thanked Alison again for my cool cacti gift that she had given me before we headed into Zumba. Try killing those she said.

Photo Credit: The Talented Mrs. Alison

Friday, April 10, 2015

Word Of The Day

Stopped by Rooster after work yesterday and got a veggie burger. After exiting saw a familiar face who could have been one of two people. Cocked my head and not sure if I stared but Lizzie stopped. Where do I know you from? she asked.

I know Lizzie from outdoor yoga and I immediately started thinking about restoration and Qigong.

Lizzie's aura is full of yummy energy and when I stepped into her energy field, I got an immediate buzz.

Love yummy energy. Is there a bumper sticker with that on it?

I've been doing retreat research and even thought about grabbing one of those Chicago Biggest Loser Resort Groupons. Expensive... If I were to go on a retreat, Omega and Kripalu would be high on my list though.

At any rate, found some interesting things in my research. Saw this article about 25 Minutes of Silence and would love* to try it out with a group of people. Would also love to participate in a day long retreat. Love the concept. Maybe I'll develop my own version.

Some other things that I loved today:

*Getting an email with this signature: Have a ridiculously amazing day.

*Reading Anne Lamott's "Everyone Is Screwed Up, Broken, Clingy and Scared"

2. Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.

9. Food: Try to do a little better.
The 'Fugee borrowed stamps from me and returned them today. I really like the stamps. I knew that you would  said the 'Fugee.

*Guess love is my word for the day.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Top Ten Reasons I Went Swimming Last Night

10). Wanted to see if I was still buoyant

9). To put my head underwater

8). Tuesday is water-based activity night, duh...

7). To cool off

6). Ashy project

5). Hot shower...See #6

4). Free soap

3). It's hard to hear with your ears underwater

2). 'Drea Unplugged Live

Anddddddddddddd the number one reason:

1). It's hard to eat and swim at the same time.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday, Monday

Morning Walk Eye Candy
At last week's climbing session, Patti invited Will and me to join her family for a Paleo Easter Brunch. Will inquired about pancakes and Patti explained that they don't do pancakes but told him that he could bring pancakes if he wanted to.

Will looked at me...That's probably a faux pas to bring pancakes when people aren't having them, right?

Also got an invitation from Alison for crepes. Didn't end up going to Patti's or Alison's but it was nice to be invited...

More Candy...
Went to yoga and I could feel that the class was longer than an hour. Joy talked about staying in the present moment because there's fear etc. when you think about the future and shame and regret when you linger on the past... Not gonna lie -- thought about how much of the NCAA Championship I'd be able to catch... Got home just in time for the last 20 minutes...

Love this quote that Oprah Magazine shared on Twitter today.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Joy Would Let Me In

Decisions, Decis
Barely made it to FriYay! yoga on time. Had a conversation with several coworkers about Lona's and left later than planned. The traffic seemed extra heavy and the lights extra long. All the time, though, I knew that Joy would let me in if I were late. Still, I don't like to be late...

My balance was off and I seemed to find many things funny. When Joy said that you could do uttanasana by the water cooler, I laughed and laughed because I imagined Rosie, who also struggled to get to FriYay! on time, and myself executing uttanasana and I also thought about the 'Fugee who put the kibosh on my stability ball at work. People already think you're interesting as it is, she said. Doing uttanasana in a common area would just seal the deal.

Joy also talked about how, in this frenetic world, being calm is like a superpower. I laughed at that too even though I know it's a superpower that I possess.

Rosie and I headed to Lona's after yoga. Only, Lona's is small and the joint was packed so we headed to Lulu's and had Buddha bowls. Rosie used her chopsticks and I did not even ask for any.

After Lulu's, Rosie said she felt like having tea. I felt like having coffee. We wandered into a gelato place where we got gelato. Rosie also got chai but I didn't have room for anything after my Mayan chocolate/tiramisu combo.

Looked at Rosie's pictures from a recent trip and when I got to pictures of the Great Wall of China couldn't help but think of Karl from "An Idiot Abroad" -- It's not a great wall. It's just an okay wall.

Wouldn't mind seeing the giant Buddha and doing Tai Chi in the park.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


My colleague walked over and said My condolences on your plant.

When I heard the "c" word it confused me at first then my face fell. I felt bad about the African Violet...

The Spanish-speaking cleaner told me that she was going to replace the plant. Came back from lunch the next day and my eyes fell on the new soil and umbrella-like leaves and that made me smile...

The Replacement
Literally stopped for this situation on the way to work.

Fixed my DVD issue. It wasn't the RF modulator but frayed A\V cable wires. It's nice to have my DVD player back since it's good for rainy days. I appreciated the Hoopla alternative but the small tablet screen was getting on my nerves...

It started to rain minutes before I was scheduled to leave work. Waited until there was a lull and noticed my car-less coworker. Offered to take him home because I've been keeping my bike rack in the car but he pooh-poohed the idea and "in a twinkling" he was gone.