Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Yoga Is Good

Eye Candy, 4/21
Went to yoga class last night and Joy asked if we wanted to work on anything.

Losing forty pounds this woman said. Joy measured her response and said that Yoga is good but...

The forty pound comment was a bit awkward. I remember reading an article about yoga etiquette and the person said to put your cell phone away even if it's off because you don't need the visual reminder of hectic things.

So much about yoga is appreciating where you're at and the health that allows you to practice. If nothing else, it's a leave your worries at the doorstep space and it was almost as if she invited the hectic thing into the room...

Drove to work but left my car when I went home for lunch. Continued listening to Ski, Poe, Spa and Towers as I walked.

In the ...Spa portion of that Moth podcast, the storyteller talks about going to a clothing-optional spa as an overweight person and how this lithe woman looked at her and she could tell that there was something that the lithe one hated about herself and she thought about all the time that she'd spent disliking her body but she ended up thinking about and being grateful for all of the things that her body had done.

Listening to that episode, which I really like, made me think about my favorite Moth episodes.

1). Korea, Colons, Pickups and Pranks

2). Gaggy's Blessing (with Krista Tippett)

3). Unidentified podcast about an older woman having a child that most people told her she should not have...*

Told Alison how I could listen to the ...Colons section over and over again but Alison was pretty suspicious about a colon story being poignant and funny.

*Before Fergus...Lynn Ferguson


  1. I remember that one about the older woman having a child, but I don't remember much detail.

    I listened to something the other night, but I fell asleep during it. Need to look it up, not sure whether it was Moth or TAL or Snap Judgment. Something about a woman who had something physically traumatic or injurious happen to her, and the moral of the story was how much she'd hated her fat body, but after this thing happened she would have been so happy to have it back. That would be a good lesson for me.

    Okay, it seems that in fact I fell asleep at the beginning, and woke up only for the ending...

  2. Very interesting that you woke up for the ending.

    I was listening to The Moth's "Live from Dublin" episode and as soon as I heard the MC -- knew that she was the person that I was looking for. The name of that podcast that moved me so was "Before Fergus" told by Lynn Ferguson. What timing...
