Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Killer of the Calves

I should also refer to the Arc Trainer as the glutes and arms killer as well. I didn't know if I would have the wherewithal to stay on that machine for forty minutes.

As it turns out, I ended up doing a split shift. When I first got on the Arc Trainer, there was no one on the AT to the right. Little did I know that two friends would have a Peaches and Herbs Reunited moment. Friend One, with a five-a-day soda habit and an inability to move the scale, got on the AT and proceeded to have a conversation right over my head and, since Friend One's voice was registering 8.0 on the Richter scale, I decided to turn my machine over to her.

Oh my God, am I bothering you? I never know when I'm doing that to people.

I told her that it was okay and I know how it is when you want to be with your friends...

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