Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What Came First, The NSV's Or The Pound?

When the scale moves, I usually wait a day or two to make sure it's not giving me a head fake.

I lost a pound. I'll probably be able to say that I lost two soon since I usually drop weight in pairs.

I weigh 171 pounds now -- standing at 5'3 and 1/2 -- the 1/2 being as important to me as it is to a kid.

According to the BMI calculator I'm still obese but that's okay, little calculator, I still have my NSV's (Non-Scale Victories).

I ate dinner: vegetarian chili with Trader Joe's Roasted Gorgonzola crackers then I traveled 30 minutes away to go to Bally Total Fitness.

I took advantage of the National Body Challenge and got a 14 day pass to Bally in order to have access to a pool and different scenery.

The pool was not crowded either. I got in 20 laps and called it a night. While I was swimming, I remembered what this instructor said to some kids on Tuesday:
Do you like music? Do you like rock and roll? Well, that's what we're going to do when we do the back crawl -- rock and roll -- but we're only going to rock and roll with our shoulders.
Capitalism amuses me at times. Got this ad from The Swim Outlet and The SO is ready for Valentine's Day.

So, what's a girl to do now that the scale has moved? She's going to keep rockin' the regimen. She's going to rock steady baby!


  1. Hi- I wanted to let you know I can't find those vitatop flavors in the stores by me either- I order them from Vitalicious!! :) They come shipped to you in 2 days fresh, then you freeze them. Luv them! :)

  2. YAY for the scale moving. You are rocking and rolling in every area! Congratulations.

  3. @TJ,

    Thanks for letting me know. Once I finish my stash of deep chocolate, I'm going to treat myself to the banana fudge and chocolate pomegranate VitaTops.


    Thanks. The one pound makes me think about The Biggest Loser and *one pound advantages.* It's a small number but it feels good.
